Application for 2020 Thousand Talents Plan.

发表时间:2020-02-03 00:00

The Thousand Talents Recruitment Programme (1,000 Talents Plan) is a programme established by China’s central government in 2008 for recruiting high-level scientists and talents from overseas.

For application ,please send CV   to

The Innovative Talents (Foreign Expert) category targets scientists below 70 years of age from prestigious foreign universities, R&D structures, international companies or financial institutions, who are willing to   come to China on a part-time basis. Basic qualification requirements include:

  • Under 70 years of age

  • Possession of a Ph.D. degree (can be masters for exceptional candidates)

  • Full professorship or an equivalent title in a prestigious foreign university or research institute; or senior technology or management position in a renowned international enterprise or financial institution

  • Not already employed and working full-time in China (or for less than one year)

Note: age, academic and professional qualifications may be relaxed in case of extremely needed talents or in exceptional cases of outstanding performance.

The awardees will be conferred the title of “National Distinguished Expert”, and will be mainly granted the following benefits:

  • Support to working conditions: awardees will be strongly supported and prioritised when applying to local and national government-funded programmes, in particular NSFC, National Key R&D Programmes, Megaprojects, as well as other awards. They will also be actively involved in domestic academic organisations, and in the elections of new academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

  • Support to living conditions: awardees will receive a one-off funding of 1 million RMB; permanent residence permit and/or multiple entry visas for themselves and their families for foreigners; and lifting of hukou restrictions for Chinese nationals; medical care, social insurance; children education allowance; housing and meal allowances, subsidies, and priority in purchasing one residential apartment.

Other benefits may also be additionally provided by relevant provincial- or municipal-level administrations.

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